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This project has contributed to the improvement of the quality of youth information system by developing a virtual platform for debates, by providing a better understating of the concept of European Citizenship among young people in Romania through correct information on the fundamental principles and European values; has encouraged young Romanian people to vote, in compliance with policy options and democratic pluralism by implementing 4 regional seminar and a national forum on the 2009 European elections.

The target group was young people, youth leaders, people working for youth organizations in Romania, aged 18 to 30 years old.

The main results were:

  • Increasing awareness and access to information by creating a virtual debate platform, responding to the need for information of the young people about the role and importance of the European Parliament, the European values and European election regulations and rules.
  • Providing one set of electronic tools that will enable young people from Romania the access to updated information regarding the European elections and their rights as European citizens.
  • Implementation of 4 workshops in four Romanian regions, through which young people will have the opportunity to take part in the development of Romanian society in general and the EU in particular by encouraging their participation in voting for the European Parliament in June 2009.
  • Making a series of promotional and informational materials (brochures, leaflets etc.) about the June 2009 parliamentary elections, in order to contribute to a better understanding and a better information on European values.
  • Organization of a National Forum in Bucharest, to which there were invited Romanian MEP , Romanian parliamentaries, other politicians, youth, youth leaders and people working for youth organizations in order to exchange knowledge and experiences, ensuring better communication between politicians and the younger generation.

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