Beneficiaries: NFPs may benefit from the Program of Economic Operators (Small and Medium Enterprises) that meet the following eligibility criteria: • It falls under the category of SMEs • Are legal entities (cooperative societies / companies), which have as their object of activity the commercialization of products and market services, activities listed in Annex no. 1 to the procedure • They are considered as autonomous enterprises, ties, partners or single enterprises • Have at least 2 calendar years from setting up when the electronic application is opened and the CAEN code for which it is applying for funding is authorized at least 3 months prior to the date of opening the electronic application for the investment plan • Have wholly private equity • Have not benefited from a non-reimbursable financial allocation under the Program over the past 3 years and have no associates, shareholders or directors who own or have held associates / shareholders / directors of other companies benefiting from a non-reimbursable financial allocation under the Program in the past 3 years • have no debts to the consolidated general budget and local budgets, both for the registered office and for all work stations • have a net annual turnover of up to EUR 50 million, equivalent in ROL, or have total assets not exceeding the EUR 43 million equivalent at the end of the previous fiscal year (total assets are fixed assets plus Current assets plus prepaid expenses) • Have an average annual employee number of less than 250 in the previous fiscal year • have their registered office, are registered with the Trade Register Office and operate on the territory of Romania • are not in a state of dissolution, judicial reorganization, liquidation, insolvency, bankruptcy, forced execution, operational closure or temporary suspension of activity • did not exceed the de minimis ceiling of EUR 200,000.00 over three financial years for the single enterprise, as defined by EU Regulation no. No 1407/2013 of 18 December 2013 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aid and EUR 100 000 over three financial years for beneficiaries carrying out freight transport for the account of third parties or against payment. The ceilings apply regardless of the form of the de minimis aid or the objective pursued and whether the aid is granted from the state budget or from Community funds. • obtained at least 50 points after the on-line completion of the investment plan, according to the model and criteria set out in Annex no. 3 of the procedure • have not been the subject of a decision by the European Commission or OTIMMC to recover State aid / de minimis aid or, where such a decision has been made, it has already been executed and the claim fully recovered • have not received illegal aid • have not been rejected for funding over the last 5 years in the national programs carried out by the de minimis aid provider due to fraud in the procedure (eg second hand purchases, conflict of interest, etc.) • There are no links between the applicant’s shareholding structures and the staff of MEIMMMA / OTIMMC and their relatives No AFN is granted under the Program for: – fishing and aquaculture activities – activities related to the primary production of agricultural products, as listed in Annex no. (1) of the Treaty establishing the European Community, with the exception of fishery and aquaculture products provided for in Regulation (EC) No. 104/2000 – processing and marketing of agricultural products, as listed in Annex no. 1 to the Treaty establishing the European Community in the following cases: (A) where the amount of the aid is fixed on the basis of the price or quantity of such products purchased from primary producers or placed on the market by the economic operators concerned; (B) where the aid is conditional on being partly or totally transferred to primary producers – export-related activities, namely aid directly linked to the quantities exported, the establishment and operation of a distribution network or other current expenditure related to export activity; – aid contingent upon the preferential use of national products in relation to imported products; – economic operators active in the carbon sector, as defined in EC Regulation no. No 1407/2002 of 23 July 2002 on State aid to the coal industry; – aid for the purchase of road transport vehicles for economic operators whose object is the provision of road haulage services on behalf of third parties or against payment. SMEs are not eligible to be selected for the program in the sectors / domains: financial and insurance intermediation, real estate transactions, gambling and betting activities, production or sale of arms, munitions, explosives, tobacco, alcohol, Energy products
Funding: Under the Program, eligible beneficiaries receive an AFN of up to 90% of the total eligible expenditure (VAT excluded), but no more than the values specified in Annex no. 2 to this case. The maximum amount of AFN may not exceed 135,000 lei per beneficiary. Eligible expenditure: A) Purchase of IT technical equipment (PC type, consisting of: central unit, server, monitor, printer / copier / multifunctional, including portable systems, licenses required to carry out the activity, audio-video systems, etc); No IT equipment of any type can be purchased than the total number of employees after the implementation of the project with a non-reimbursable component, except for activities that require it (eg Internet café, computer training, etc.) B) purchase of barcode readers; C) purchase of electronic scales with / without printer for labeling; D) the purchase of fiscal electronic cash registers; (E) the purchase of technological equipment, machinery, equipment and work installations – including related software, measuring, control and adjustment apparatus and equipment necessary to carry out the activities for which financing was requested, excluding mechanical, electrical, electronic, Billiard tables, instruments and music machines; F) the purchase of electric and forklift trucks; G) Investments in intangible assets relating to patents, product and service marks (eco-labeling, licenses), software for on-line trade, software needed to carry out marketing activities for market products and services; H) purchase of goods provided for under the sub-groups 3.1 furniture, 3.2 office equipment and 3.3 protection systems for human and material values (eg video surveillance systems, alarm systems), according to Government Decision no. 2139/2004 for the approval of the Catalog on the classification and the normal operating durations of fixed assets, as subsequently amended and supplemented; I) Purchase of vehicles of category N1, N2, N3, with the exception of land vehicles symbol G in accordance with Order MLPTL 211/2003 with the subsequent modifications and completions, respectively with the exception of goods road transport vehicles for the account of third parties or against payment required by Undertakings carrying out road freight transport on behalf of third parties or against payment. J) certification of a quality management system / environment / health and occupational safety / food safety, according to one of the standards: SR-EN-ISO 9001: 2008 (quality management system) 2005 (Environmental Management System); SR-EN-ISO 22000: 2005 (food safety management system); OHSAS 18001: 2007 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System), simple or integrated; K) creating a site for the presentation of the activity of the applicant and of the promoted products or services (including domain registration expenses, without hosting) for economic operators who do not own another site and which must be operational at the date of submission of the application for the issue of AFN; L) the purchase of specific installations / equipment in order to achieve energy savings, as well as systems using renewable / alternative energy sources to streamline the activities for which it has requested funding; M) the purchase of heating or air-conditioning installations related to the commercial space or services; N) Participation in training courses for vocational training / qualification / specialization / professional training in the field of marketing activities for the products and services for which he / she applied for funding, attending courses on basic hygiene notions needed in the marketing of products and Market services; O) the guarantee fee related to the year of granting the guarantee, due to the National Credit Guarantee Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises – S.A. – I.F.N. (F.N.G.C.I.M.M.) in the case of guarantees granted for loans contracted by beneficiaries for the execution of business plans accepted under the Program, for applicants who provide their own credit contribution; P) consultancy for the preparation of the documentation in order to obtain the financing under this program and the implementation of the project (no more than 4% of the amount of the non-reimbursable financial grant approved for settlement less consultancy, but not more than 5769 lei). When applying the percentage, consultancy costs will not be taken into account. Eligible consultancy service providers within the Program may only be authorized consultancy organizations, authorized to carry out one of the activities included in CAEN code 70; (2) For the implementation and certification activities of the management systems, the following categories of services are financed for the implementation and certification of management systems: A) training courses for staff involved in quality / environment / occupational health and safety / food safety (internal auditor) activities; B) consultancy regarding the elaboration of management system implementation documentation; C) certification of the quality management system / environment / health and safety / occupational safety / food safety, simple or integrated. The consultancy activities provided in point 4.2, paragraph 1, lit. O) and point 4.2, paragraph (2), lit. B) may not exceed cumulatively 4% of the amount of the non-reimbursable financial grant approved for settlement less the consultancy, namely the amount of 5769 lei. Goods purchased under the program may be fixed assets or inventory items. In the case of fixed assets, they must have VAT, minimum entry value of 2,500 lei, according to the Government Decision no. 276/2013 on determining the entry value of fixed assets. It is not allowed to purchase goods that have been subsidized / non-reimbursable from other sources. Ineligible expenditure: VAT fees, fees, commissions, packaging, transport, commissioning, staff training for the use of purchased items are not eligible. This Program does not finance re-certification of management systems; Only the extension of certification of a management system to an integrated system is funded.
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