Human Capital Operational Program 2014-2020
Priority Axis 3: Jobs for all
Specific objective 3.7: Increased employment by supporting non-agricultural enterprises in the urban area
The START UP Smart 2.0 project aims through its activities to encourage entrepreneurship in the South East Region by supporting the creation of new enterprises by individuals (unemployed, inactive, jobseekers) residing or domiciled in the urban or rural environment of the region that want to set up a non-agricultural business in the urban area.
1. Promoting a positive attitude towards the possibility of starting out as an entrepreneur.
2. To develop skills and competencies of human capital in all 6 counties of the South-East region by providing an ANC-approved entrepreneurial training program and certification of 350 individuals in this field.
3. Improve and complement entrepreneurial skills and increase the chances of business success that will be set up by 42 selected individuals from the target group of the project following a business plan competition.
4. Providing financial support in the form of subsidies in the amount of 148,600.00 lei / subsidy, for the establishment and development of 42 businesses in order to create jobs.
5. Developing mechanisms to support and promote business and entrepreneurship in general at region level.
350 individuals (unemployed, inactive, individuals that have a job and start a business in order to create new jobs) who cumulatively fulfill the following conditions:
A.3. Informing the public about the entrepreneurial training program as well as on the methodology for selecting the target group and the business plans to be supported under the project (January 2018 – July 2018)
A.4. Selecting the target group to participate in the courses organized within the entrepreneurial training program (January 2018 – July 2018)
Download the target group selection methodology!
A.5 Running the entrepreneurial training program (March 2018 – July 2018)
A.6 Selecting the business plans to be funded under the project (August 2018 – September 2018)
A.7 Performing internships
A.8 The provision by the entrepreneur scheme manager of personalized counseling / mentoring / mentoring services following the completion of the business plan selection process
A.9 Ensuring the start-up and running of businesses that will carry out de minimis business plans within the project
A.10 Supervision of business operation and development by the administrator of the entrepreneurship scheme financed (April 2019 – May 2019)
– During 12 months, the Entrepreneurship Administrator will monitor the implementation of the business plans funded under the project in order to achieve the objectives and indicators assumed by the declared winners.
A.11 Settlement by the entrepreneur scheme administrator of the amounts involved in implementing the business plans selected within the project(April 2019 – June 2020)
A.12 Monitoring the sustainability of business operation and development financed (July 2020 – December 2020)
We will verify compliance with the activities of the 42 newly established firms within the project for a period of 6 months after the end of the grant.
A.13 Developing innovative mechanisms to support and promote entrepreneurship in the region South-East (July 2020 – December 2020)
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