  • Bucuresti
  • Galati
  • Tel. +4 031 824 15 90
  • 1st Blanduziei Street, Sector 2
  • Tel. +4 031 824 15 90
  • 3rd Brăilei Street, 1st Floor

Startup 4 Diaspora


Promoting, supporting and developing entrepreneurship and self-employment among individuals in the diaspora by supporting the establishment of non-agricultural enterprises in the urban area of ​​the North-East, South-East and South-Muntenia regions of Romania.


It envisages 200 people who want to develop non-agricultural businesses in urban areas in the North-East, South-East and South-Muntenia regions of Romania.


This project aims to achieve the following main activities:

  • Promoting entrepreneurial culture and the benefits and opportunities involved in entrepreneurship among individuals who have their domicile or residence abroad during the last 12 months until the time of joining the target group;
  • Implementing an on-line training and entrepreneurial certification program for 200 selected target groups;
  • 24 winning business plans;
  • Implement a series of counseling, counseling and mentoring measures complementary to the training and certification program dedicated to the 24 people who have been selected following the business plan competition within the project;
  • Supporting and financing 24 companies through 24 subsidies worth 178,120 Lei each, generating 48 jobs (2 places / business);
  • Develop mechanisms to support and promote established and funded enterprises;
  • Involvement of the target group and of the diaspora Romanians in formulating public policies for the North-East, South-East and South-Muntenia regions


  • The SMART Development Center Association as a leading partner
  • The Association of Women’s Business Associations from Small and Medium Enterprises Suceava (APJFAIMM) as Partner 1
  • League of Romanian Students Abroad (LSRS) as a partner 2