OPAC 2014-2020 aims to strengthen the administrative capacity of public authorities and institutions to support a modern and competitive economy.
The overall objective of OPAC is to implement measures on: strengthening structures, processes and competencies at the level of central public administration institutions and authorities, improving human resources management, efficiency of the judiciary, increasing the quality, transparency, accountability of public services, and reducing administrative burdens. Business environment and citizens.
Priority Axis 1 – Effective structures at all administrative and judicial levels
Investment Priority 1.1 – Investing in institutional capacity and in the efficiency of public administrations and services in order to achieve reforms, better regulation and good governance.
Specific Objective 1.1 – “Developing Strategic Planning, Program Budgeting and Coordination / Co-operation / Consultation Practices in Central Government”;
Specific Objective 1.2 – Development and Implementation of Modern Human Resource Management Policies and Tools “;
Specific objective 1.3 – “Improving the efficiency of the judiciary”;
Priority Axis 2 – Effective and transparent public administration and judicial system
Investment Priority 2.1 – Investing in institutional capacity and in the efficiency of public administrations and services in order to achieve reforms, better regulation and good governance
Specific Objective 2.1 – “Delivering Quality Public Services for Citizens and the Business Environment”
Specific objective 2.2 – “Increasing transparency, integrity and accountability at the level of public authorities and institutions”
Specific objective 2.3 – “Improving the access and quality of services provided by the judiciary, including by ensuring greater transparency and integrity at its level”
Priority Axis 3 – Technical Assistance
Specific objective: Support for effective and transparent implementation of the OPAC 2014-2020
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