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One Step Away

The project “One Step Away” aimed at facilitating the integration into the labor market of people looking for a job in the south-east of the countryside by developing and applying an integrated innovative concept – the mobile mobile center of employment and training in non-agricultural areas – which led to the creation of new employment opportunities for 240 in the rural areas of the South East region.

Financed by SOPHRD, Priority Axis 5, Key Area of Intervention 5.2 “Promoting long-term sustainability of rural areas in terms of human resource development and employment”.


Through this project we intended to facilitate labor market integration of people in rural areas by developing and applying the innovative, integrated concept of Mobile Center of employment and training in non-agricultural areas, which led to the exploitation of employment opportunities in the labor market of the south east region and the creation of new employment opportunities.

Specific objectives:

‣ Creating a positive attitude, flexible and open to work and to entrepreneurship, through the implementation of an information campaign, awareness and promotion.

‣ Development and implementation of an integrated information, advice, assistance and training program, provided to the target group by the Mobile Center of employment and training in non-agricultural areas.

‣ Providing information, advice and assistance to the target group for employment in non-agricultural areas, rural business initiation and for access to and use of grants for a total of 200 people in rural areas.

‣ Improvement of entrepreneurial skills and use of ICT for 130 people from rural areas, by improving access to training programs.

‣ Awareness of human potential by increasing the number of business initiatives; creation of at least 10 companies by the target group members.


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