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Mountain Agriculture in Villages

Providing awareness measures on mountain farming in villages from Mountain Valley Local Action Group

The overall objective was to provide knowledge regarding support scheme of the Common Agricultural Policy for rural people in order to support business development in the agricultural sectors.

Specific Objectives: 1. Increasing local products competitiveness. 2. Raising awareness regarding the environmental problems in agricultural, non-wood-forest and food industry to improve environmental protection.

Beneficiaires gained awareness and specific knowledge in agriculture. All this information was retrieved by the latest research in agriculture.

The project addressed:

  • Young people under 40 years old;
  • Farmers with semi-subsistence farms;
  • Members of producer groups or other associative forms recognized by the legislation;
  • People who have an investment project;
  • Beneficiaires of the measures of Ist and IInd axis of National Rural Development Programme.

Participants received specific information on modern techniques in agriculture.

In the event development there were involved people with experience in agriculture and farming practices of the targeted villages

Also, in conducting information sessions, the participants had the opportunity to exchange ideas with the speaker, present their personal business and were offered alternatives to the development of their own farms. In particular, providing information for the development of their own business has brought added value to the project in question.

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