The SMART Development Center, in partnership with the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Employers’ Association of the South Eastern Region, implemented the project A Laboratory Market from A to Z, SOP HRD, Priority Axis 5 “Promoting Active Employment Measures” , Major Area of Intervention 5.1 “Development and implementation of active employment measures”.
The aim of the project is to facilitate the integration of job-seekers and unemployed persons in the S-E region on the labor market by developing and promoting an integrated system of interrelation between the demand and supply of the labor market in the region.
The actions of the project included and were carried out by:
Direct promotion. In this activity, 12 promoters were involved, who moved on the ground to residences / cities / communes from the SE region with unemployment relevance, to promote the project activities (informative seminars, caravan, station Work etc.)
Organizing 6 informative seminars. Six different locations within the S-E region were chosen, locations of relevance to the unemployment rate (eg Galati and Braila). The seminars presented the proposed objectives and the services to be provided; Direct information on the situation of the target group and the labor market in that area was also collected. Information seminars were attended by both target group (36 people) and potential employers and / or representatives of organizations active in the labor market field in the region.
Providing individual and group professional information and counseling services by organizing and implementing the “Labor Market – A to Z” Caravan. An itinerant counseling program for jobseekers and unemployed people has been implemented in 12 S-E counties. Within this program the participants were provided the following services: information on the labor market; Establishing the professional route; Assessing and self-assessing the personality of the target group for professional orientation; Developing abilities and self-confidence. The caravan was traveled for 48 days, four days for each locality. 96 people were counseled in the caravan.
Providing individual and group information and counseling services through the “Labor Market – A to Z” Guide. The purpose of this activity was to create a guide that will provide useful information to all people looking for a job or unemployment. The guide includes information such as: a description of the documents required for unemployment, the amount of unemployment benefit, training facilities and areas for which unemployed people, legislative summaries, etc. are organized. The guide will be made in 2000 copies will be distributed to the target group and to employers, organizations and institutions with relevant labor market activity.
Provision of individual and group information and professional counseling services through the creation of the “Work Station – IT Pilot Center”. The purpose of the activity was to establish a pilot center for the provision of counseling and guidance services by making available to the target group a pilot center where they will benefit from a computer, Internet connection and specialized consultancy for searching A job (application on specialized job search sites, eg Best Jobs or e-Jobs), for the realization of the resume in electronic format (in Romanian and English), as well as other necessary services To a jobseeker by using the services made available via the Internet.
Providing individual and group information and counseling services through the creation of the “Labor Market – A to Z” portal. Its purpose is to provide complete information and services to the members of the target group. The activity included building the structure and graphic design, introducing information, testing the portal, managing it, and offering online services to the target group. Within the portal, the companies initiated through the project were promoted and assisted in terms of development during the implementation of the project and for a period of up to 12 months after its completion.
Providing consultancy and assistance services for starting an independent business or starting a business. The purpose of the activity was to provide professional and personal training for the members of the target group by encouraging them to initiate their own business by participating in the entrepreneurial development course and the counseling process
The “Labor Market – A to Z” project aims to increase the employment rate of jobseekers and unemployed persons in the SE Region by developing and promoting an innovative and integrated innovative program to facilitate access to employment and Of sustainable integration in a flexible and inclusive labor market.
The target group consists of a minimum of 265 jobseekers and unemployed from the SE region, who participated in guidance, counseling and mediation on job search, business initiation and participation in training programs Professional, ensuring reconversion and flexibility on the labor market. The members of the target group were selected according to their degree of interest, their availability and fit into one of the target group categories.
Developing a positive and flexible attitude towards work for 265 people in the target group;
Harmonizing supply with demand on the regional labor market by offering a series of integrated services based on information technology (job search and unemploy- ment databases, employers databases, online information service, counseling And promotion of people who will start their own business);
Supporting the growth of the number of entrepreneurial initiatives and encouraging the development of entrepreneurship through the formation of 84 people and supporting the initiation of 20 business
Perioada de implementare: 01.11.2024 – 31.10.2027Cod SMIS: 313740Cofinanțare: Fondul Social European prin Programul Educație și Ocupare 2021-2027Prioritate: P09 – „Consolidarea…