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A project implemented at the initiative of AJOFM Galati in partnership with the SMART Development Center has emerged as a solution to a local need. As far as Galati County is known, it was considered in the past to be the fourth industrial center in Romania, having as branches industry and construction.

Today, due to the fact that these branches are in decline, the jobs are being restructured, the respective qualifications have remained without application on the current job market, resulting in an increase in the number of job seekers. The project idea came in response to the need to create integrated measures to tackle and prevent the growth of the number of unemployed by facilitating their reintegration into the labor market. Through this project we aim to adopt integrated measures of information and counseling, competence assessment, Current and prospective potential employment sectors, career planning assistance and mediation, as well as assistance and counseling for setting up self-employment.

The general objective of the project was to increase the employment capacity of the long-term unemployed in Galaţi County through the formation of specific professional skills, needed in the labor market, topical, adapted to the needs of the market through qualifications, to ensure integration and reintegration into the labor market.

Specific objectives:

  • Individualising professional needs to develop the service, food and agriculture sectors
  • Guidance and counseling to develop a personalized training program
  • Training tailored to the specific needs of each candidate
  • Assistance in starting a self-employed activity
  • Assistance in placing on the labor market through the organization of the job exchange

The aim of the project is to facilitate the correlation between individual skills, education, work potential and labor market opportunities.

Innovative and flexible action measures taken in this project provided motivation for discouraged and inactive individuals and increased the personal development of the target group by helping to overcome the difficulties these people encounter when integrating / reintegrating into a market Of the increasingly demanding work.

Results of the project implementation:

  • Counseling and professional guidance of 400 job seekers
  • The certification by professional training programs of 240 long-term unemployed aged between 25 and 45 (100 women and 140 men)
  • Employing 24 people certified by the vocational training program
  • Counseling and assistance in starting a self-employed activity, following certification through the training program, of 12 people

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