Integrated Development of Work Alternatives and Incorporation of Employment and Professional Skills
SMART Development Center in partnership with NEWINFO COMPANY and NAVEXIM CADASTER implement from April 2014 to June 2015 the project DINAMIC – “Integrated Development of Work Alternatives and Incorporation of Employment and Professional Skills”, ID SOPHRD/128/5.1/G/132834. We aim to facilitate labor market integration for 225 people in Galati county, both rural and urban as follows:
20 people who left school early;
40 people in search of a job;
50 inactive people;
50 long-term unemployed;
20 unemployed over 45 years old;
20 young unemployed;
25 long-term unemployed young people.
Professional Advice. These services are for people who want to find a job. We provide information concerning: the retraining benefits, the resume elaboration, techniques to find a job. 1.Consultancy to start a business and facilitating access to European or state budget grants. 2. Improvement of professional skills through training/retraining a number of 185 residents from Galati. The following training activities will be organized: free training programs for:
Cadaster Technician;
Construction worker;
Tinsmith auto-painter;
Entrepreneurial Skills.
The project DINAMIC – “Integrated Development of Work Alternatives and Incorporation of Employment and Professional Skills” is co-funded by European Social Fund through Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 “Invest in people!”, Priority Axis 5: “Promoting active employment measures”, Key Area of Intervention 5.1: “Developing and implementing active employment measures”. Contact: Madalina POPESCU E-mail:
Perioada de implementare: 01.11.2024 – 31.10.2027Cod SMIS: 313740Cofinanțare: Fondul Social European prin Programul Educație și Ocupare 2021-2027Prioritate: P09 – „Consolidarea…