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Proiecte finalizate

Diaspora Entrepreneurial Project

The Diaspora Entrepreneurial Project is co-funded by the European Social Fund, Priority Axis 3 “Jobs for All”, Thematic Objective 8: “Promoting sustainable and quality jobs and supporting the mobility of workers” Specific Objective 3.7 “Increasing employment through supporting non-agricultural enterprises in the urban area”

Take advantage now of the chance to return to the country as an entrepreneur!

This is the right time to start your business. You have our support!

Diaspora Entrepreneurs is a project initiated by Romanians, for Romanians. We want to invest in the future of Romania by developing the entrepreneurial initiative and the business environment. We provide advice, support and funding for ideas for success, HOME.

Excelsior Association for Excellence in Education in partnership with the Smart Development Center and “Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu-Jiu launched this project for Romanians from abroad who want to return home to open their own business.

The project aims to return the Romanians to the country, develop the national economy, create new jobs and develop the entrepreneurial spirit for as many Romanians as possible.

Project in figures

Total project value: 11,214,573.52 lei

Non-refundable financing: 11.201.532,85 lei

– of which de minimis aid: 6.679.500,00 lei

Implementation period: 01.09.2017 – 31.08.2020 (36 months)

Number of newly created jobs: minimum 80

Number of persons benefiting from entrepreneurial training: minimum 200

Winning business projects: 40

Other news can be found on the project website:

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