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And I Can!

SMART Development Center in partnership with the Young Entrepreneurs Association of South East develop the project “And I Can!” funded by SOPHRD, Priority 6 “Promoting social inclusion”, Key Area of Intervention 6.3 “Promoting equal opportunities in the labor market”.

Development term: May 2014 – September 2015

The target group consists of 410 women in South East, regardless of age, social status, origin area and employment status, 20 employers (men and women), 50 employees of the public authorities (men and women) and 20 employees in NGOs (men and women).

The overall objective of the project is the reduction of gender inequalities existing in the Romanian society by encouraging the (re)integration intro the labour market of 290 women and developing entrepreneurship for 120 women in the South East.

Through the “And I Can!” project we intend to:

  1. Facilitate equal acces to employment and career advancement of women, to reduce gender stereotyping and to increase the visibility of successful women by creating the Regional Network of Women Entrepreneurs.
  2. Increase the integration capacity and progress of women in the labor market by organizing qualification stages for babysitter, worker in commerce and care for the elderly (290 participants from South East). Each stage will be 360 hours (theoretical support accompanied by practical activities developed at the employers in the region).
  3. Stimulate the development of entrepreneurial activities by:
    • Organizing stages of Entrepreneurial Skills courses (120 participants);
    • Supporting mentoring sessions in which members of the Regional Network of Women Entrepreneurs will teach graduates of the entrepreneurial skills courses on how to launch and develop a business;
    • Conducting a Business School which will last 5 days, attended by 30 graduates of the entrepreneurship classes, selected on performance and members of the Regional Network of Women Entrepreneurs who will talk about success in life and career;
    • Providing technical and financial support in starting a business for the best and feasible business plans drawn by three women in the School of Business.
  4. We will organize 6 seminars regarding the principles of equality in employment and the importance of the social inclusion, raising awareness of the gender discrimination issue. These seminars will be attended by women from the Regional Network of Women Entrepreneurs, employers, employees of public authorities, employees in NGOs.


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