  • Bucuresti
  • Galati
  • Tel. +4 031 824 15 90
  • 1st Blanduziei Street, Sector 2
  • Tel. +4 031 824 15 90
  • 3rd Brăilei Street, 1st Floor



The Code in the Classification of Occupations in Romania: 241941

Training overview: this training program is dedicated to graduates and it develops within 3 days the abilities to generate and implement new ideas and to create a culture of innovation at all levels of an organization. The training is followed by a two weeks period – the practice part, where participants, individually or in a team, will elaborate a strategy project of innovation, based on the experience of their own organization.

At the end of the class, participants will:

  • Have the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve and implement an innovation strategy, based on the analysis of the firm.
  • Have the knowledge and skills for the professional development of the team coordinated by the innovation manager
  • Manage the collection of innovative ideas
  • Know the most appropriate methods of exploitation of the company’s intellectual capital
  • Have knowledge and necessary skills for the evaluation of the innovation process
  • Have the necessary knowledge to elaborate the evaluation methodology of the innovation process
  • Identify, based on an innovation cycle, methods to ensure the continuity of the innovation process.


  • Identify the elements of an innovation culture development in a company.

The lecturer presentation: Nelu NITA is a trainer for over 5 years, in innovation management, quality management, internal audit and trainers training. His experience as an associated academic at “George Bacovia” University in Bacau, Faculty of Management, Public Administration and Law specialization and also being a member of the boarding of a company and the Chief of Bacau Police gave him the complex perspective that he applies in his trainings.


Occupations Classification Code in Romania: 241 919

Training overview: The Project Manager Training Program is primarily based on the stages of creating a project grant application, combining in an interactive way theory with the practice. With a total of 80 hours, the program is structured over a 4-day theoretical part and a 2-week practical part.

At the end, participants will:

  • Set the goals of strategic importance of a project
  • Have the necessary knowledge to prepare a project proposal
  • Identify and prioritize key elements and project activities
  • Develop, monitor and adapt the project plan throughout its development
  • Estimate the necessary resources for carrying out the project activities
  • Ensure the financial management
  • Identify possible risks and propose measures to combat them
  • Assess risk factors in order to minimize them
  • Know procurement procedure elements
  • Know leadership styles and effective communication in the project team
  • Ensure the project quality.

The trainer: Victoria GUTA has experience in elaborating funding requests at European and national level, working in project management for over 8 years. She trains in project management, human resources, communication and public relations for staff in the culture field (The Center for Professional Training in Culture) and in projects such as “Promoting SMEs and entrepreneurial culture in the South West Oltenia”, “Etrepreneurial Competences for young people in the South East”.


Occupations Classification Code in Romania: 741 201

The training program in bakery is aimed for people who want to work in a professional bakery unit specialized in manufacturing various kinds of breads.

Being a baker involves a wide range of skills, given the wide range of products and technologies specific to each range. Those who wish to participate in this program will have the opportunity to develop their competences in workplace communication and teamwork. Along these, general skills will complete the baker profile occupation, who must comply to occupational health and safety, environmental protection standards and the rules of hygiene and food safety.

The program aims at developing specific skills, such as: qualitative and quantitative reception of raw and auxiliary materials, storage and transport of raw materials and finished bakery products, preparation of raw and auxiliary materials, tracking and processing dough fermentation, baking blanks, preparation for products storage. The practical part of the class will be provided both in fully automated and non-automated units. In addition to baking technology knowledge, there will be important components, such as operating capability, use and maintenance of machinery and specific equipment.

The program duration is 360 hours, of which 120 theoretical and 240 practical training. Following this, participants will receive qualification certificates, authorized by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection, being standardized by law as acts of studies recognition at national and European level. Qualification certificates will be accompanied by a descriptive supplement of the occupational skills.

Documents required for signing up are following:

  • ID copy
  • Birth certificate copy
  • Marriage certificate copy (for women)
  • Copy of the last diploma
  • Notice from occupational medicine


Occupations Classification Code in Romania: 411 301

This training program is aimed at people who want to work in professional business units.

Input, validation and data processing operator introduces and validates data through electronic data processing (performs arithmetic operations, based on entered data, polls, sorts, filters data), manages magnetic media, implements input on media storage, is responsible for entered data compliance with primary documents, periodically saves entered data, keeps backups for stored data, restores saved data and at need helps users to retrieve information.

The participant will learn how to use peripherals, to manage data magnetic supports,  to ensure data security, to process the documents, to list documents, to organize the data input and data processing, to apply quality procedures, to input and validate data.

Program duration is 360 hours, of which 120 theoretical and 240 practical training. Following this, participants will receive qualification certificates, authorized by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection, being standardized by law as acts of studies recognition at national and European level. Qualification certificates will be accompanied by a descriptive supplement of the occupational skills.

Documents required for signing up are following:

  • ID copy
  • Birth certificate copy
  • Marriage certificate copy (for women)
  • Copy of the last diploma
  • Notice from occupational medicine


Occupations Classification Code in Romania: 612 104

This training program is aimed at people who want to work in professional agricultural units.

The work with animals requires knowledge of the biology of animals, practical skills to feeding, breeding, animal care of different categories, depending on the species and equipment, manure removal and the maintenance of microclimate conditions and the health of animals.

In this training program you will learn how to identify accommodation capacity of animals in shelters, to evaluate the necessary arrangements, to prepare animal accommodation.

Program duration is 360 hours, of which 120 theoretical and 240 practical training. Following this, participants will receive qualification certificates, authorized by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection, being standardized by law as acts of studies recognition at national and European level. Qualification certificates will be accompanied by a descriptive supplement of the occupational skills.

Documents required for signing up are following:

  • ID copy
  • Birth certificate copy
  • Marriage certificate copy (for women)
  • Copy of the last diploma
  • Notice from occupational medicine


Occupations Classification Code in Romania: 611 111

This training is aimed at people who want to work in professional agricultural units.

Workers in crop production do soil preparatory work, fertilizations, plantings, apply phytosanitary treatments, fertilization by pesticide spraying and harvesting crops, plant trees, harvest garden crops, store and process agricultural products.

During the training workers will gain specific skills in the planning and execution of necessary work for the maintenance and harvest of crops, planting fruit trees, harvest vegetables, medicinal plant.

Program duration is 360 hours, of which 120 theoretical and 240 practical training. Following this, participants will receive qualification certificates, authorized by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection, being standardized by law as acts of studies recognition at national and European level. Qualification certificates will be accompanied by a descriptive supplement of the occupational skills.

Documents required for signing up are following:

  • ID copy
  • Birth certificate copy
  • Marriage certificate copy (for women)
  • Copy of the last diploma
  • Notice from occupational medicine


Occupations Classification Code in Romania: 241 205

The training program is designed to help participants to develop the ability to turn ideas into action, planning, organization, management, evaluation and communication, and the ability to work individually or in teams.

The following topics are to be addressed:

  • Entrepreneurial psychology
  • Legal, tax and accounting on starting a business
  • The business plan
  • Identification and understanding  of the ways of communication within the company and relations with the environment
  • Identification and understanding of the elements of a business venture
  • Medium and long time business planning for sustainable development
  • Funding sources for activities and ways of obtaining them
  • Presentation of appropriate business ideas for the South East
  • Business marketing
  • Human Resources Management
  • Business Communication
  • Business Ethics

Program duration is 32 hours, of which 15 theoretical and 17 practical training. Following this, participants will receive qualification certificates, authorized by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection, being standardized by law as acts of studies recognition at national and European level. Qualification certificates will be accompanied by a descriptive supplement of the occupational skills.

Documents required for signing up are following:

  • ID copy
  • Birth certificate copy
  • Marriage certificate copy (for women)
  • Copy of the last diploma


Occupations Classification Code in Romania: 342 304

The training program si designed to help develop skills, knowledge to use IT applications at the workplace.

During the training the following topics will be approached:

  • Skills training in computer use
  • Knowledge of the basics about computer and its functionality in any field
  • Definition of the basic concepts in computer system
  • Using the Computer and Managing Files
  • Skills training and development of accurate and fast typing
  • Skills training and development to use a word processor
  • Training and development of th use of modern means of communication
  • Internet network

Program duration is 40 hours, of which 15 theoretical and 25 practical training. Following this, participants will receive qualification certificates, authorized by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection, being standardized by law as acts of studies recognition at national and European level. Qualification certificates will be accompanied by a descriptive supplement of the occupational skills.

Documents required for signing up are following:

  • ID copy
  • Birth certificate copy
  • Marriage certificate copy (for women)
  • Copy of the last diploma


Occupations Classification Code in Romania: 512 001

This training is aimed to people who wish to work in professional catering.

A chef makes different recipes that meet consumer demands. To this end, he prepares products that are to be cooked. Measures the necessary amount, mixes it gradually, according to the recipe. After the dishes were prepared, they are divided intro portions.

The chef uses in he’s activity different tools and machines with which he converts food into meals. As commonly used tools and machines cand be listed: knives, chopper, blender, cleaning machines and cutting vegetables, meat grinders, classical and microwave ovens, refrigerators.

Program duration is 360 hours, of which 120 theoretical and 240 practical training. Following this, participants will receive qualification certificates, authorized by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection, being standardized by law as acts of studies recognition at national and European level. Qualification certificates will be accompanied by a descriptive supplement of the occupational skills.

Documents required for signing up are following:

  • ID copy
  • Birth certificate copy
  • Marriage certificate copy (for women)
  • Copy of the last diploma
  • Notice from occupational medicine


Occupations Classification Code in Romania: 522 011

This training is addressed to long-term unemployed from Galati county, who wish to operate in professional commercial units.

The trade works deals primarily in communication with customers, in organizing the general framework of opening and closing the store activity, completion of the sales, in cashing, in presenting the products and services related to the sale, in promoting the store image, in maintaining stocks and cash reserve requirements, in checking stock sales, in reporting the sales activity.

Program duration is 360 hours, of which 120 theoretical and 240 practical training. Following this, participants will receive qualification certificates, authorized by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection, being standardized by law as acts of studies recognition at national and European level. Qualification certificates will be accompanied by a descriptive supplement of the occupational skills.

Documents required for signing up are following:

  • ID copy
  • Birth certificate copy
  • Marriage certificate copy (for women)
  • Copy of the last diploma


Occupations Classification Code in Romania: 522 011

This training is addressed to long-term unemployed from Galati county, who wish to operate in professional commercial units.

The trade works deals primarily in communication with customers, in organizing the general framework of opening and closing the store activity, completion of the sales, in cashing, in presenting the products and services related to the sale, in promoting the store image, in maintaining stocks and cash reserve requirements, in checking stock sales, in reporting the sales activity.

Program duration is 360 hours, of which 120 theoretical and 240 practical training. Following this, participants will receive qualification certificates, authorized by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection, being standardized by law as acts of studies recognition at national and European level. Qualification certificates will be accompanied by a descriptive supplement of the occupational skills.

Documents required for signing up are following:

  • ID copy
  • Birth certificate copy
  • Marriage certificate copy (for women)
  • Copy of the last diploma


Occupations Classification Code in Romania: 3112.3.14

The qualification course in the field of cadastre technician is addressed to persons wishing to carry out their professional activity in the units of organizing and systematizing the territory at cadastral unit level or in other such units where they will perform current topographical works, Land cadastre and technical land cadastre.

Land cadastre land surveyor technician will perform specialized activities in land surveying and land cadastre.

It will ensure at the level of localities the necessary real estate advertising operations, directly contributing to the enforcement and observance of the lawfulness of real estate and their movement in the field of cadastral valuation and landownership, establishing the right and acquisition of the right to property in the introduction Land maps and updating of cadastral maps in the automation of topo-cadastral works.

It should also be able to execute topographic elevations for building construction projects, perform works of art and other technical works inside and outside the building.

The qualification course aims to acquire a set of professional competences that will qualify the graduate to carry out activities specific to the profession of cadastre landowner technician. The learner will learn to: perform topography-specific calculations, develop topographical plans, draw scale drawings and drawings, track construction behavior in time, prepare general cadastre documentation, manage information using computing techniques, to collect and to organize information.

The duration of the course is 1080 hours: 360 hours of theory, 720 hours of practice.

Upon graduation the participants will receive graduation certificates authorized by the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Protection and the Elderly and the Ministry of National Education and are regulated by law, as national and European recognition studies. The graduation certificates issued will be accompanied by descriptive supplements with occupational skills acquired under the occupational standard.

  • The necessary documents for enrollment in the course:
  • Identity card copy;
  • Birth certificate copy
  • Copy of marriage certificate (if applicable);
  • Copy of the last degree or study certificate;
  • A certofocate from the family doctor that proves he is fit to work.


Occupations Classification Code in Romania: 7141.2.1

The professional training program in Painting – plasterboard – painting workshop is addressed to people who want to carry out their professional activity in industrial units.

Painter – plasterer – wallpaperer is the construction worker, whose activity consists of applying the finishing works.

The finishing works that consist of applying a thin layer of a pigment diluted in water on the surface of the building elements are called paintings.

If the layer consists of a suspension of oil pigments or binder in water, the finishing works are called dyeing.

Surface finishing can be done by wallpapering. These works are carried out in order to protect the waterproof, fireproof and anti-corrosion protection of the support on which it is being run.

Painting, plasting and wallpapering is also done to maintain hygienic support and create a decorative look.

The qualification course aims at acquiring a set of professional competences that will qualify the graduate to carry out activities specific to the Painting profession – plasterboard – painting shop. The trainee will learn to: prepare surfaces for paintings and simple dyeing, prepare surfaces for painting / painting of high quality, prepare simple work solutions, apply and process the support layers for the execution of high quality paintings and Special paintings, to perform complete paintings of high quality and special painting and oil painting, to carry out works of wallpapering and plastering.

The duration of the course is 720 hours: 240 theory and 480 practice.

Upon graduation, the participants will receive graduation certificates authorized by the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Protection and the Elderly and the Ministry of National Education and are regulated by law, as national and European recognition papers. The graduation certificates issued will be accompanied by descriptive supplements with occupational skills acquired under the occupational standard.

The necessary documents for enrollment in the course:

  • Identity card copy;
  • Birth certificate copy
  • Copy of certificate of marriage (if applicable);
  • Copy of the last degree or study certificate;
  • A certificate from the family doctor that he is fit to work.


Occupations Classification Code in Romania: 5122.1.1

The training program for the food worker is addressed to persons wishing to pursue their professional activity in public catering establishments.

The food worker ensures that the consumers are served with the food they require. Serves at the request of consumers culinary preparations, beverages and other products. The minimum goal he is pursuing is the consumer’s current satisfaction, and the ultimate goal is to convince him that he will have the same rewards every time he returns.

The qualification course aims at teaching a set of professional competences that will qualify the graduate to carry out activities specific to the Food Worker. The trainee will learn to: satisfy customer requirements, help improve the quality of products and services in public catering establishments, prepare raw materials, make low-complexity dishes, prepare the serving room, serve in food units.

The duration of the course is 360 hours: 120 theory and 240 practice.

Upon graduation, the participants will receive graduation certificates authorized by the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Protection and the Elderly and the Ministry of National Education and are regulated by law, as national and European recognition papers. The graduation certificates issued will be accompanied by descriptive supplements with occupational skills acquired under the occupational standard.

The necessary documents for enrolling in the course:

  • Copy of identity card;
  • Birth certificate copy;
  • Certificate of marriage (if applicable);
  • Copy of the last degree or study certificate;
  • An acknowledgment from the family doctor that he is fit to work.


This training combines theoretical and practical elements of public policy with theoretical and practical elements of participatory democracy. It is useful when participants want to solve public issues at local, national and European Level.

Duration: 2 days

Organization: two modules of 1.5 hours the first day and two modules of 1.5 hours on day two.

Number of participants: from 8 to 50

Preparation: organizers set the problems that need to be resolved. When a small number of participants (8-20), we recommend addressing a single issue. On a larger number of participants there can be addressed two or more problems, dividing participants into different workspaces. During the training preparation, organizers create a presentation and explanation text that they publish on www.politicipublice.ro if the issue is of local and national interest or on the www.public-policies.eu if they are of European interest. For it’s publication, the NGO should prepare a suggestive picture with the association logo, both in electronic format.

Module 1, Theoretical elements of active participation and public policy: discussions about participation issues, about the basics of achieving public policy proposals and about the involvement training. Participants are divided into working groups, each one with a reporter. Reporters receive a form with the following: name, profession, education, email, phone, website solutions to be debated.

Module 2, Public cafe: each working group debates for 20 minutes the group theme, seeking solutions. Every 20 minutes, participants change their working groups, having the opportunity to share ideas to other subtopics. Only reporters remain motionless. After 60 minutes, reporters present the identified solutions and give the completed forms.

Module 3, The SMART method of Public Policies: the trainer together with the participants decide to which public institution draw up the proposal for public policy, and they give the proposal a title.

Module 4, Public policies and promotion: participants are invited to promote online their solutions, and an official address will be also published and will be emailed to the public institution, entitled to put into practice the solutions proposed.


Course Description Common Skills – Communication in English

Course presentation: The training program is designed to help develop the ability to express and communicate in English.

At the end of the course graduates will be able to:
• Receives messages sent orally or in writing in different communication situations
• Identify key information from authentic texts
• Produce oral or written messages appropriate to specific communication contexts
• Relate the content of a movie / story, based on a plan of ideas
• Synthesize the content of a written text / oral message as a schema / note
• Make interaction in oral or written communication
• Write response letters expressing views on issues related to concerns
• Transmit and mediate oral or written messages in various communication situations
• Reporting in the form of a group / individual project / day-to-day activity
• Work in a team

The duration of the course is 80 hours, structured as follows: 27 hours of theoretical training and 53 hours of practical training. Following the graduation course, the participants will receive certificates of specialization authorized by the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Protection and the Elderly, being regulated by the law, as study papers with national and European recognition. The specialization certificates issued will be accompanied by the descriptive supplements with occupational skills acquired according to the occupational standard.

The necessary documents for enrollment students are as follows:
• Identity copy copy;
• birth certificate copy
• marriage certificate (for women);
• Copy of the last degree or study certificate.